
2  •  0  •  14

will it lower the prices of the present coins ?

will it lower the prices of the present coins ?


1  •  0  •  19

We know how blockchain can be a better replacement for money and how it can become the tamper proof way of voting and democracy. the question is: what othere problems are out there that blockchain can easily fix?


We know how blockchain can be a better replacement for money and how it can become the tamper proof way of voting and democracy. the question is: what othere problems are out there that blockchain can easily fix?


2  •  0  •  62

I was thinking of something to make this Q&A platform become more known and I came up with the idea of having a good advertisement that shall circulate on different social media sites. Like a short video about what Qurito is, it’s advantages and how ...


I was thinking of something to make this Q&A platform become more known and I came up with the idea of having a good advertisement that shall circulate on different social media sites. Like a short video about what Qurito is, it’s advantages and how they can be a part of this medium. What do you think?