Fernie Pontong fernie305 Other/Prefer Not to Say
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If love is coffee then a good talk is a slice of your favorite cake. A good talk is everything. https://res.cloudinary.com/quritocloud/image/upload/sefpjmi3vuj1uy8cbofh.jpg Random, Love and Relationship, Philosophy, Current Affairs, Life
Fernie Pontong - Qurito
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I have always loved Detective Conan.

I have always loved Detective Conan.


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Without saying that the best job is to do what you love. What do you think is the best one and why?


Without saying that the best job is to do what you love. What do you think is the best one and why?


1  •  0  •  9

Weigh the pros and cons of the ac tof giving hitting children as a form of discipline. How should parents and/or teachers discipline kids? Also, take a look at these pictures. Tell me your thoughts.


Weigh the pros and cons of the ac tof giving hitting children as a form of discipline. How should parents and/or teachers discipline kids? Also, take a look at these pictures. Tell me your thoughts.