If you have ever wondered why and how we are an advanced society, you need to thank physics. The technological advancements are brought about by this study and the people behind. The elevation of our generations shows an evident importance to involve physics in a national discourse. Self education is a substantial method for a person to contribute. The distribution of the learning through social and formal discussions and taking part in campaigns that push progress in the societal and technological promotion and the vast scope of physics are the best steps in making our society a lot better. Furthermore, when the government and its people work hand in hand, not only in relation to physics, shall me national problems are solved and in matters, the global aspirations be pulled off.
I had this dream this morning about experimenting how many photos we can shoot at the same spot, got me thinking what happens if we shoot lots of photons at the same atom? can we strip it from all of its electrons?
I had this dream this morning about experimenting how many photos we can shoot at the same spot, got me thinking what happens if we shoot lots of photons at the same atom? can we strip it from all of its electrons?