Elias Chirinos elias102040 Male
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adictos a las criptomonedas La mejor pagina https://res.cloudinary.com/quritocloud/image/upload/l_text:Baloo%20Bhaina_240:EC,co_rgb:FFBC16/v1531202522/g8m0aposrzmwt4wszvuj.png Currency
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Which objectives do you see pundix, as we see this great project has many investors and this week has taken a margin of 70% of the rise in the currency at what price they expect? I hope to sell it in 0.01 usd friends


Which objectives do you see pundix, as we see this great project has many investors and this week has taken a margin of 70% of the rise in the currency at what price they expect?
I hope to sell it in 0.01 usd friends