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American Airlines is indeed the major carrier which gives its services to connect many regions of the world. American is known for its group travel service which is available for the group of 8 or more passengers travelling together or from different...


American Airlines is indeed the major carrier which gives its services to connect many regions of the world. American is known for its group travel service which is available for the group of 8 or more passengers travelling together or from different locations.

How can I book the group travel ticket in American Airlines?

Use the following group booking steps of American Airlines.

  • First of all, visit the official website of American Airlines from the web browser.
  • On the homepage, go to the flight booking section and select Advanced/Multi-search link.
  • Select the contact reservations link and you will be redirected to the contact reservation page.
  • Here, you will find various contact numbers which are categorized by different regions or countries.
  • Select the helpline number according to your need and dial it for making a phone call.
  • Now, speak to the customer service representative of American Airlines and ask him to book group travel ticket.
  • Here, the group booking agent on the phone will ask you for the primary booking details to check the availability of group travel.
  • On getting the availability, you will be asked for advance booking details for the air journey.
  • You should provide all the booking details to him and now request for getting the group travel quote.
  • On getting the quote, you are required to pay the booking price of the group travel tickets.
  • After this, you will obtain the confirmation of your American Airlines group booking on your email.

You can use the ticket sales center of American airlines to reserve the American Airlines Group Travel ticket through them.