Q. What is the platform to become famous for a really talented singer?
dark knight in a day
What is the platform to become famous for a really talented singer?
i wish that i could also become a singer like michael jackson, justing beiber, what should i do
Accepted Answer
You can simply reach out to the world through social media or opt for the more traditional one, audition. You may start as an extra talent in a show, through taking part in casting calls (there are sites or pages where they announce these) to get good exposure. Also, make your network wider by befriending those people behind the production or those people who may help your venture with the craft that you really want. It’s good to surprise people with the real deal that you can offer.
answered by fernie305
1 Other Answer
you need fame and to become famous you must spend skill, time and money. the exact amount of each is not that important as long as the total amount sums up to a considrable amount.
I can go in depth on how you can convert skill, money and time into each other, but I’ll give you one peice of advice that works faster. jump in, announce your intention to everybody and let the world watch you as you climb the ranks up to the top, fame is attention. grab it as much as you can, any way possible.
start with a youtube channel or something,answered by kiaazad