Q. Have you ever regretted buying a dog? If yes why so?

Have you ever regretted buying a dog? If yes why so?

wrong choice pet regret dogs





Jun, 2018

1 Answer
  • nikolai85

    Yes, I bought a dog, and she gnawed my favorite shoes.


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You know that whenever we ask about dogs the first thing that comes to our mind is "man's best friend". Who can compare to the happiness that little fur balls give us when we arrive home from the hustle and hurry world? Their innocence in the world is worth the love and care we give to them. Dogs are either pampered or strayed. You have the choice to take care of dogs with special breed or you can adopt any dog and give it a family. While most people are overwhelmed with their love for dogs, there are also people who heartlessly hunt these poor creatures. Unfortunately, this cannot easily be stopped as this inhumane act springs to the heart of men.

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