Q. What is the strangest thing you’ve seen happening on a public transport?

What is the strangest thing you’ve seen happening on a public transport?

public transport strangest event transportation





Jun, 2018

  • morganlee

    montage transport logistics https://www.a1autotransport.com/mont... . Terminal storage facilities offer temporary storage for vehicles during transport transitions.


    answered by

      1.43 q
  • abdul_moiz

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    answered by

      3.25 q
  • stephen432

    i am always looking for some free stuffs over the internet. there are also some companies which gives free samples.토토사이트


    answered by

      1.44 q

Asked in Category


Transportation is going from one place to the other through convenient means of travel. An efficient transportation net is very essential for a nation to function well. Managing and structuring the infrastructure of the means of transport like roadways, airways and railways is a critical task. A considerable share of money is allotted to maintain the transportation system of country working effectively. With the advancement in automobile, transportation has become both time and cost efficient.

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