Q. Is it true that women speak more than men?

Is it true that women speak more than men?

When young boys make a lot of noise in the class I have heard the teacher telling them to stop by saying ‘Don’t you talk like girls’.

perceptions boys talk less girls take more





Aug, 2018

2 Answers
  • umehen33

    No doubt this is an excellent post I got a lot of knowledge after reading good luck. Theme of blog is excellent there is almost everything to read, Brilliant post. tambah followers instagram


    answered by

      0 q
  • eduar

    if it’s true.
    It is something genetic, the woman expresses herself the man observes.


    answered by

      5.89 q
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The word sociology connects us with the colourful living patterns consisting of human race, caste, creeds, ethnicity, religion, behaviour along with its ancient background. Sociology is systematic study of existing human societies on this planet. One way it's connected with human psychology, behaviour, local geographic back ground and traditional attachments with beliefs in gods. Sociology has been accepted as systematic science defining patterns of different societies. It has the record of transformation of human race, as how the modern scenario of technological impacts on the living patterns of the society as a whole.

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