Q. What are the duties of a nurse educator?
2 Answers
Cpi training course https://americancrisispreventionandm... . Also known as non-violent intervention certification training, CPI online equips healthcare professionals, teachers, law enforcement agents, and other professionals with skills to manage aggressive behavior.
answered by morganlee
That’s a hard question to answer since nurse educators can work in a variety of different conditions. Generally speaking, you need a Master’s degree in nursing in order to land a position as an educator. Once you get said degree, you can continue working as a nurse, specialize as a teacher, or do both at the same time. It all depends on what your goals are and where you are working.
On the nursing front, nurse educators aren’t much different from regular nurses. Although since they usually have more experience and education than their peers, educators are often put in charge of more responsibility.
As educators, these nurses handle a lot of the duties you’d expect from any teacher. They teach and advise students, put together curriculums, write grant proposals, speak at conferences, etc.
If you’re interested in making a living as a nurse educator, try reading this career guide.
answered by klaudiapunctus