Q. What are the different types of eCommerce payment gateway?

HighRisk Gateways

What are the different types of eCommerce payment gateway?

The payment service provider has several choices for eCommerce Payment Gateway
1. Redirect – The merchant can use an established and secure processor. But it gives the merchant less control and adds an extra step in the checkout process for the customer.
2. Payment Off-Site – The payment will perform on your eCommerce site. However, the virtual processor will perform off-site. And this makes the process more convenient for merchants, but it also leaves you with less control.
3. On-Site – It is the most exact way, on-site payments are processed completely on their servers. Moreover, the checkout process and payment processing are all performed on your site.






Apr, 2022

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  • chauncy

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Swipe here. Swipe there. Swipe everywhere. Shopping is fun. Credit card privileges are so enticing most especially to the shopaholics. Sales pave way for consumers to buy as much as they can. People always love to buy stuff from head to toe. Needless to say, it is also satisfying to buy something for yourself. Nowadays, there are different ways to shop. Online shopping is now famous where you just have to put to the cart the items that you want to buy, follow the payment method, and get your items after few days. Or you can just shop without buying, can you? Yes, window shopping.

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