Q. Short People Actually Live Longer" It is True?
Short People Actually Live Longer" It is True?
It is a never-ending debate about who has a long life whether it is a shorter person or a taller one.
In general, it is believed that a taller person means a healthy person as it is determined on the basis of nutritional intake that has been taken by a person. But there is a contradictory fact that short people live longer lives.
The big question is Why Short people live long?
Why Do Short People Live long?
Numerous factors are there that may be responsible for short people to live long. With larger bones and organs, taller people need more nutritional intake to maintain their health.
In terms of body cells, taller people have approx a trillion more cells than a shorter person, and free radicals & carcinogens have much impact to deteriorate cells easily.
Replacement of cells is a common phenomenon in the human body, but as age increases, cells are no longer available to repair or replacement of tissues in the taller person.
How Long Do Short People Live
In surveys, it is found that smaller people have lower death rates and fewer chronic diseases and it is found that the shorter the height lives the longer the life.
Generally, the average height of men is 8% more than that of women, and have a lower death rate of 7.9%.
Height might be a factor in living a long life but that does not mean that longer people are destined to live short. To live a longer and better life you should opt for a good lifestyle, the best nutritional intake, and many more factors to keep in mind. while
If you wish to live a long life, avoid smoking, reduce alcohol consumption, eat healthier food and diminish your stress. Live happily even in a negative situation and choose a better lifestyle.
Source: https://healthgroovy.com/how-long-do...