Q. What exactly is forgive and forget?
The Procrastiwriter
What exactly is forgive and forget?
forgive the person and forget the bad memories or forgive the person and totally forget everything?
232.8 q (claimed)
7 Answers
To forgive is being able to tell someone
“What you’ve done to me doesn’t hurt me anymore”
To forget is discovering that what has happened to you,
did help you to learn, the lesson is assimilated, and you are on your way
to grow up further, free and happy again.answered by wallacewattles
it’s actually saying: as long as you hold a grudge and think about it, you’re not moving on with your life and wasting you time and energy on something in the past isn’t the best way to spend them.
my personal opinion is: forgive, but never forget, chances is: they’ll try to do it again.answered by kiaazad