Q. How do I get a refund from WestJet?
Online Travel Agency
How do I get a refund from WestJet?
If you have canceled the flight with WestJet Airlines and are willing to get a refund, this article will help you get your refund. You can follow the steps given in this article to get a refund from WestJet.
Steps to get a refund from WestJet Airlines
- You need to open the official website of WestJet Airlines first.
- Click on the Manage Booking tab to find your WestJet Airlines booking.
- Now, click on the Request refund option if you have already canceled your flight.
- Submit a form providing the reason for cancellation and Submit it.
- You will get a confirmation email within 7-10 working days after the customer representative has completed the refund verification.
So, by following the above steps, you can get a refund from WestJet Airlines. If you face some issues while making the WestJet Airlines refund request online, you can call the customer representative of WestJet Airlines. The WestJet Airlines Customer Service live representative will assist in initiating the refund instantly.
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