Q. Should I talk to my employer about it?

Should I talk to my employer about it?

I have some safety concerns about my current workplace.






Feb, 2022

1 Answer
  • orlyfoushee

    As a general rule, yes, the first thing you should do is notify your employer. However, things are not always that simple, and it’s not uncommon for workers to fear they might suffer retaliation if they bring up safety concerns. And sometimes employers will just straight up ignore concerns raised by employees.
    Under the two latter circumstances, the best option is to sit down with an employment attorney and discuss your options. They can let you know whether or not any safety violations occur and to whom you should report the issues.
    If you find yourself having to keep working while the issue hasn’t been addressed, it’s a good idea to save the number of a San Mateo workers compensation lawyer on your phone, so you can call them if you do suffer an accident. As the Law Offices of David Lowe website explains, the sooner you talk to an attorney after an accident, the better when it comes to making sure you’ll get proper compensation.


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Social Work

You say the word social and you'll come up with different ideas. You are social. You involve yourself in different activities that people enjoy. Social organizations are prevailing. In fact, lots of people have benefitted in the efforts of those who genuinely want to help. In addition, a part of this is your ability to interact with other people. It's not just about extending your hand to those in need but also to acknowledge that we are all interconnected by an invisible bond.
Instead of wanting how to do social; better learn how to be social. Focus on how to be a good influence. Choose helping instead of burdening people. Look around you and see that there are lots of things to do.

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