After completion of profile setup, first thing you see is the homepage of platform. Homepage is logically divided in four division for better experience. 1. Menubar, 2. Take Aways, 3. Quick Action and 4. Feeds.
Menu bar
Menubar is further divided in 3 logical sections. (a) General Navigations (b) Search (c) General Notifications/Subscriptions/Profile
This section keeps you updated by displaying current happening around the world. Today’s Takeaway will try to enlighten your wisdom by featuring words, quotes, facts, etc..
Quick Actions
This is important part. This section gives you one click access to most important utilities of platform which are following.
Ask a question
Post a poll
My Profile
My Walllet
Feeds section will provide you daily dosage for your curiosity. Feeds shows most recent Q & A, featured Q & A , polls and Top Categories. Every card on feed section is hyperlinked and you can go to detailed page by clicking on proper hyperlinked text.